Title: Omar (2024)
IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
Director: Muhammad Mostafa Kamal Raz
Genres: Thriller
Release Date: 11 April 2024
Language: Bengali
Key Cast:
- Nafis Ahmed
- Nasir Uddin Khan
- Fazlur Rahman Babu
A gripping thriller that delves into suspenseful and intense storytelling, focusing on a complex narrative intertwined with emotions and high-stakes drama.
Notable Highlights:
- Directed by the acclaimed Muhammad Mostafa Kamal Raz, known for his skillful storytelling and engaging visuals.
- Features stellar performances from celebrated Bengali actors like Nasir Uddin Khan and Fazlur Rahman Babu.
- A highly anticipated Bengali-language thriller set to captivate audiences upon its release in April 2024.