Movie Title: Pariah (2024)
Language: Bengali
Release Date: February 9, 2024
Quality: WEB-DL
Plot Summary:
"Pariah" follows the haunting journey of India’s native street dogs, which have been marginalized and face abuse with little to no protection from the legal system. The story exposes the harsh realities of their existence, shedding light on the societal neglect and the judiciary’s lack of empathy toward their plight.
Genre: Action, Thriller
Main Cast:
- Vikram Chatterjee
- Angana Roy AR
- Soumya Mukherjee
Runtime: 2 hours 18 minutes
Key Themes and Elements:
- Outcast Struggles: A powerful portrayal of the continuous suffering endured by native Indian dogs, treated as “pariahs” in society.
- Judicial Critique: A sharp critique of the judicial system that turns a blind eye to the injustices inflicted on these animals.
- Action-Driven Narrative: Intense scenes drive the thriller, with confrontations that reveal societal indifference and legal loopholes.
- Emotional Depth: The film delves into both the lives of these animals and those who try to help, creating a stirring emotional impact.